Call For Evidence: Social Care at Home Scrutiny Inquiry Panel

A new scrutiny inquiry panel has started which is looking at ways in which Swansea Council and its partners can support elderly people to remain in their own homes, instead of being forced to move to residential care or nursing homes. Over the next few months the Panel will be looking into many aspects of social care at home, or domiciliary care (previously referred to […]

More scrutiny please!

Councillors on the Well Being Scrutiny Performance Panel have been quite vocal at recent meetings about their ability to scrutinise adult services and child & family services in just one meeting a month. Worried that they were not devoting enough time to the important area of adult services, they agreed to hold fortnightly meetings and […]

Do we need to improve our local parks?

Concerns were raised at a meeting in May 2013 about the attention given to the upkeep of  local parks in Swansea and it was suggested at the time that more work may need to be carried out. As a result, a working group was set up, to look at the parks service in Swansea, how these are being […]

You can help us improve inward investment by completing a short survey

Recently we produced a call for evidence as part of the Scrutiny Inquiry into inward investment and Scrutiny Councillors as part of that inquiry would like to hear your views. The survey is looking for views on: Key factors for attracting business toSwanseaand the region How to support small business and entrepreneurship locally and regionally The […]

New Inquiry Panel Supports Social Care at Home

As the demand for the number of people being cared for in their own homes is increasing, this is putting more and more pressure on the Council and its partners, as they try  to meet the demand with limited resources and  staff levels. A new Scrutiny Inquiry Panel has been developed, which will look to answer […]