Today the Performance & Finance Board heard from Dave Tosh, the Council’s Head of Information & Customer Services about the Council’s ICT contract. This was originally set up in 2005 and there was a major scrutiny report produced at the time. You can find the report here (PDF). Dave took the Board over the significant features […]
Talking to Partners about Shared Services
Earlier today councillors from the Performance and Finance Overview and Scrutiny Board held a focus group for local partners as part of their review of shared services. The focus group included people from the police, the health sector, Swansea University, Job Centre Plus and Swansea Council for Voluntary Services. The purpose was both to learn from experiences […]
What is the Best Way to Deliver Shared Services?
If you haven’t heard of shared services before it is a phrase you might come across more and more if you have anything to do with providing public services. Essentially it means different organisations sharing different parts of their business to achieve savings. So, for example, all public service providers need legal and finance functions and, […]
Performance & Finance – The Challenges
Earlier today the Performance & Finance Overview & Scrutiny Board met to discuss their work plan. To set the context Jack Straw, the Council’s Executive Director, explained the range of issues facing the Resources Department and provided a presentation on the Council’s budget situation which covered a number of issues. The Council’s very difficult budget situation will […]