The Schools Performance Panel as part of their scrutiny role have agreed to speak to a selection of schools over this council year. Their first school this year will be Morriston Comprehensive School. The Panel have invited the Headteacher and Chair of Governors to a meeting this week, some of the issues they discuss will […]
Local Service Board scrutiny continues to develop
The Local Service Board Scrutiny Panel is meeting again next Monday (22 September at 11am in Committee Room 3, Civic Centre). The Panel is meeting with members of the Local Service Board (LSB) Executive Group. This group represents the key statutory partners of the LSB and undertakes detailed work on behalf of the wider LSB. […]
Schools Performance Panel considers ‘Rewriting the Future’
The Panel at its meeting on the 18 September will discuss the recently released Wales Government document ‘Rewriting the Future: raising ambition and attainment in welsh schools’. The report highlights the vision to have high expectations for all learners, regardless of their socio-economic background, and ensure that they have an equal chance of achieving those […]
Service Improvement & Finance Scrutiny Performance Panel
The Service Improvement and Finance Scrutiny Performance Panel is due to meet next Wednesday (17 September) at 1.30pm. The role of the Panel is to scrutinise the Council’s corporate performance, service improvement and budget arrangements. Items on the agenda this month include: Details of the Council’s budget consultation engagement strategy Wales Audit Office Annual Improvement Report […]
How do we ensure consistency in support to schools by challenge leaders?
The Schools Performance Scrutiny Panel, at their meeting next week will look at how we ensure there is consistency in support to schools by challenge leaders. This is one of the issues that was highlighted for further work by the Panel when they spoke to schools over the last year. Some of the issues […]
So, what is Elective Home Education?
Elective Home Education, also known as Home Schooling, is where parents/carers decide to provide home based education for their children instead of sending them to school. Elective home education is an aspect of parental choice. This is different to Home Tuition which is where the local authority provides education for children who cannot attend school […]