The Local Service Board Scrutiny Panel will be meeting at 2.00pm on Monday 14 September in Committee Room 5 (Guildhall). At the meeting the Panel will continue to consider the Local Service Board’s contribution to addressing the challenge of Older People’s Independence. The overarching question that the Panel is seeking to address is “What difference […]
Whats next for Schools Performance Scrutiny Panel?
The Schools Performance Scrutiny Panel have two meeting scheduled for September and you are welcome to come along and listen to the discussion. These include: 10 September at 4pm (Committee Room 3b in the Guildhall) – the panel will be meeting with relevant people to discuss support for and educational attainment of looked after children and of […]
What are the implications of the Additional Learning Needs Reform?
Welsh Assembly Government are proposing to introduce a new legislative framework for supporting children and young people with additional learning needs. The Schools Performance Scrutiny Panel at their next meeting on 13 August will look at the implications of this for children and young people. Councillors will meet with the Councils Chief Education Officer to discuss: What has […]
Service Improvement & Finance Scrutiny Panel
The Service Improvement & Finance Scrutiny Performance Panel will be meeting at 1.30pm on Wednesday 12 August (Committee Room 3a, Guildhall). The role of the Panel is to scrutinise the Council’s corporate performance, service improvement and budget arrangements. On the agenda this week is not one but two Q&A sessions, the first session with Councillor Mark […]
The next steps for the Local Service Board Scrutiny Panel.
The Local Service Board Scrutiny Panel will be meeting at 4.30pm on Monday 27 July in Meeting Room 3, Civic Centre). During its development stage the panel agreed that its preferred approach to developing its work plan 2015/16 will be to select a Local Service Board challenge to look at in depth, with an emphasis […]
What will education scrutiny look like over the coming year?
The Schools Performance Scrutiny Panel at their meeting on 18 May discussed their work programme for the coming year. The Panels brief is to provide ongoing challenge to schools performance to ensure that pupils in Swansea are receiving high quality education; and the authority is meeting its objectives in relation to improving school standards and pupil attainment. […]