Revisiting the Local Flood Risk Management Plan

At a meeting on the 1st March Councillors heard that Swansea as the Lead Local Flood Authority had successfully delivered the Flood Risk Management Plan for the cycle 2015 to 2021 .  They were pleased to hear that partnership working with Natural Resources Wales and Welsh Government was now working very well and is the best […]

Swansea Schools Performing well says Scrutiny

Councillors discussed the Annual Education Performance information for 2015/16 with the Cabinet Member for Education and the Chief Education Officer.  They were pleased with the positive picture in the education service in Swansea and wanted to congratulate schools, governing bodies and the education department for their hard work and dedication to driving improvement in not only pupil outcomes […]

Houses in Multiple Occupation in Swansea

The Houses in Multiple Occupation Scrutiny (HMO) Working Group has now concluded its work and Councillors have written a letter to the Council’s Cabinet Members giving their views, conclusions and recommendations from the examination of this topic. The Working Group would like to thank those members of the public who submitted their views both in writing […]

ERW Regional Scrutiny Group meets again

Scrutiny Councillors from across the six local authorities will meet again on 27 February.  The purpose of the group is to help ensure the best educational outcomes for children in the Education Through Regional Working (ERW) region by supporting effective scrutiny to support consistent scrutiny across the six councils share scrutiny good practice encourage shared […]

St Helen’s Primary School giving children a flying start

Councillors from the Readiness for School Scrutiny Inquiry Panel visited St Helen’s Flying Start to find out how they prepare their pupils for starting school. Flying Start is a Welsh Government funded Programme and is available in targeted areas supporting all families to give 0-3 year olds a Flying Start in life. The scheme aims […]

Councils ambition for education other than at school services is not just to be good but to be excellent

Councillors met to follow up upon the impact of their scrutiny inquiry into education inclusion on the 3 January where they met with the Cabinet Member for Education and the Head of Learner Support Service. The Panel found that good progress was being made in relation to the recommendations made by the education inclusion scrutiny inquiry panel report and […]