Interested in Regional Working in Swansea? New scrutiny inquiry starts soon

The Welsh Government has long seen collaboration between public services and particularly local government as a means of providing more efficient and effective services.  Councillors identified this as an important issue for scrutiny at a conference of scrutiny councillors in July.   Following this a Scrutiny Panel has been set up and will meet on […]

A Very Challenging Role, How can the Council ensure that school governors provide effective challenge for their schools?

A Scrutiny Inquiry into role of school governors was completed by councillors in January 2016.  Councillors will now get together with the Cabinet Member for Children, Education and Lifelong Learning and officers from Education on the 25 September to look at the impact and progress made with this piece of work. The original inquiry concluded […]

So, what is happening in Education Scrutiny in Swansea?

Swansea Councils education scrutiny body, the Schools Performance Scrutiny Panel, has the role of providing ongoing challenge to schools performance in order to ensure that pupils in Swansea are receiving a high quality education and that it is meeting its objectives to improve schools standards and pupil attainment. The up-coming meetings for this Panel are: 31 August 2017 […]

Eight key facts about Scrutiny in Swansea

Scrutiny can make a difference by ensuring that local decision making is better, that local services are improved and that local democracy is strengthened. What are some of the key facts about scrutiny? Main aim of scrutiny is to act as a ‘critical friend’ to the Cabinet and other decision makers in order to promote better […]

Is your child school ready?…Is your school child ready?

An inquiry by councillors into school readiness is being reported to the Scrutiny Programme Committee on the 10 April. It found there to be a wealth of evidence that suggests investment in early year’s services including children’s school readiness is hugely beneficial not only to children and their families, but society as a whole.  There is […]

ERW Scrutiny Councillor Group – 27 February 2017

The Chairs and Vice Chairs of all six local authorities’ Education Scrutiny Committees came together in Ceredigion for their bi-annual Scrutiny Councillor Group.  Detailed below are the views, conclusions and recommendations from that meeting. Performance Management The Councillor Group heard about the package of training on performance management for schools and how it is being introduced. […]