Archives for August 2019

Young people! Hop on board the scrutiny train and take a look at Equalities

For this Scrutiny Inquiry a group of councillors got together and formed a Scrutiny Inquiry Panel. They looked at the Equality Act 2010 which is a law that was put in place to legally protect people from discrimination in the workplace and in wider society. It also sets out the different ways in which it […]

Easy Read: Making sure Swansea Council is treating people fairly

The year Councillors looked at how they can make things fairer for people in Swansea. This means everyone should be treated fairly and should feel well, safe and respected. They found that Swansea Council does treat people fairly most of the time but could do better. To read more you can click here for the […]

Text only: Scrutiny Inquiry into Equalities

The Inquiry looked at whether the Council is meeting its duties under the Equality Act 2010 (and Public Equality Duty for Wales 2011).  The Inquiry concluded that on balance the Council does have due regard to eliminating discrimination, to advancing opportunity and fostering good relations. Many areas of good practice were found throughout this inquiry […]

7 ways we can improve equalities in Swansea

A finding of a panel of scrutiny councillors was ‘Swansea Council treats people fairly but this could be improved’. The Inquiry looked at ‘how the Council can improve how it is meeting and embedding the requirements under the Equality Act 2010 (Public Sect Equality Duty for Wales 2011)’. The Convener of the Equalities Scrutiny Inquiry […]

The ERW Scrutiny Councillor Group to meet in September

Scrutiny Councillors from across the six local authorities will meet on 23 September 2019.   The purpose of the group is to help ensure the best educational outcomes for children in the Education Through Regional Working (ERW) region by supporting effective scrutiny to support consistent scrutiny across the six councils share scrutiny good practice encourage shared […]

Cabinet Member Q&A: Cllr Andrea Lewis

The Scrutiny Programme committee is due to meet on 9 September and will hold a Q&A session with the Cabinet Member for Homes & Energy, Councillor Andrea Lewis. Click here if you would like to ask her any questions.