Scrutiny Councillors from across the six local authorities will meet on 9 March 2018. The purpose of the group is to help ensure the best educational outcomes for children in the Education Through Regional Working (ERW) region by supporting effective scrutiny to
- support consistent scrutiny across the six councils
- share scrutiny good practice
- encourage shared scrutiny approaches and avoid the duplication of scrutiny work
- provide critical and objective challenge to ERW on topics of interest as required
- contribute to the good and effective governance of ERW
Councillors on the 9 March will
- Look at educational outcomes across the region
- Receive updates on progress with measuring impact and the recently established Programme Board
- Look at the impact of poverty in rural Wales
- Look at the way forward for regional working
The Councillor Group will then write a letter to the ERW Joint Committee feeding back their thoughts and recommendations arising from this meeting.
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