A Scrutiny Inquiry into role of school governors was completed by councillors in January 2016. Councillors will now get together with the Cabinet Member for Children, Education and Lifelong Learning and officers from Education on the 25 September to look at the impact and progress made with this piece of work. The original inquiry concluded […]
Archives for August 2017
A Very Challenging Role, How can the Council ensure that school governors provide effective challenge for their schools?
So, what is happening in Education Scrutiny in Swansea?
Swansea Councils education scrutiny body, the Schools Performance Scrutiny Panel, has the role of providing ongoing challenge to schools performance in order to ensure that pupils in Swansea are receiving a high quality education and that it is meeting its objectives to improve schools standards and pupil attainment. The up-coming meetings for this Panel are: 31 August 2017 […]
Continuity and renewal – meet the new scrutiny work programme
A new work programme has now been agreed, with a varied selection of topics that councillors plan to look at over the coming year. It represents both continuity and renewal to ensure that scrutiny is always looking at the right things. But before we get to that, a little about how we got here… […]