Archives for August 2013

Scrutiny wants to hear from the voluntary sector

So maybe you have been invited to give evidence to scrutiny and you are wondering what it is all about.  Maybe you are even a little nervous. Don’t worry!  Scrutiny does not want to “scrutinise” you or your organisation.  But it does want to benefit from your knowledge, experience and advice. Scrutiny is about councillors […]

Do you have question for the Cabinet Member for Citizen, Community Engagement & Democracy?

At their next meeting on 2 September the Scrutiny Programme Committee will be holding a question and answer session with Councillor Christine Richards who is Cabinet Member for Citizen, Community Engagement & Democracy, and they are looking for ideas for questions.           Councillor Richard’s portfolio responsibilities include: Developing Citizen Engagement Strategies, […]

Providing better public transport needs to be a priority

The way that public transport is provided is changing.  The Council has less money to spend on subsidising public transport; the Welsh Government has reduced the funding it gives to public transport operators; public transport operators have reassessed their provision against these factors and the general decline in passenger numbers and revenue.  These were some […]