Yesterday the Health Social Care & Well Being Overview & Scrutiny Board met to discuss the performance of the Social Inclusion Unit. You can see the report in the agenda papers here.
Councillors on the Board had previously voiced their concerns about reduced staffing levels within the Unit and its ability to deliver the advice work, guidance, training and support to its many different stakeholders. Staff in the Unit work with Social Workers, councillors, all council departments, the NHS, Probation Service, Voluntary Organisations and other local authorities. The team has taken on a significant role in the development of several policy initiatives including the development of the Local Authority’s Social Inclusion Strategy.
As with many other areas of the Council the current financial situation facing public services has had an impact on the capacity of the Unit. The Board were concerned about the possible impact of any further reductions on the implementation of the Social Inclusion Strategy Action Plan as well as on the level of welfare rights training and support.
The Board recognised that the unit would need to work within its current funding limits but they will support the work of the unit by regularly monitoring the implementation of the three-year Social Inclusion Strategy Action Plan.
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